Dengue : Overview, Symptoms and Prevention – Everything you need to know!


One of the most prevalent illnesses affecting Indians is dengue. One of the four dengue viruses, which are spread by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, causes dengue. Once you’ve contracted the dengue virus, you become immune to it for the rest of your life and develop resistance to it. The other three viruses can still infect you, though. Additionally, it is possible to contract all 4 viruses in your lifetime. Within three to four days of the virus entering your body, symptoms may start to show up and last for at least ten days.

Common symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, body aches, and exhaustion are among the list of symptoms, along with rashes, redness, and mild mouth and gum bleeding. Depending on your immunity and how severe the infection is, the symptoms can be mild to severe. The only way to determine if you have dengue is to have a blood test.

Different forms of Dengue

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a more serious form of dengue fever that starts out similar to the “mild” form but progresses to symptoms like nosebleeds and petechiae, which are signs of bleeding under the skin. Dengue can be fatal in this form. The more severe forms of dengue require more care, and the patient may occasionally need to be hospitalised. The patient might require blood transfusions, platelet transfusions, blood pressure control, and IV drip hydration.

dengue awareness

Indian Context

In India, dengue is a growing public health threat that is estimated to kill at least 20,000 people annually while infecting millions more. Dengue is a major problem in India, especially during the monsoon season. The stagnant water puddles in urban areas serve as a haven for the Aedes mosquito, the disease’s primary vector. A common misconception holds that mosquitoes can only breed in filthy, still water. In actuality, water that is safe to drink is where the dengue mosquito breeds as well.

With 34% of all dengue cases worldwide occurring in India, this country has the highest dengue burden in the entire world. Dengue is thought to affect 5.8 million Indians annually rather than 20,000 cases on average. Because so many cases go unreported or are treated in private hospitals, there is a disparity in the number of cases. Dengue fever cases typically increase during and immediately following the rainy season, or June through October.

Here are some steps you can take to help prevent dengue:

The adage “prevention is always better than cure” is accurate when referring to dengue. The best strategy is to stay away from mosquito bites and areas where there are a lot of mosquitoes because there is currently no vaccine for dengue. It is a good idea to keep your doors closed and your windows covered with anti-mosquito nets, especially at dusk. Use a mosquito net while you sleep if you can’t keep mosquitoes out of your house.

The best way to prevent the disease is to make sure there are no containers outside the house where rainwater can collect, such as on a balcony or in a garden. Mosquito breeding is less likely in clean environments. Therefore, avoid leaving garbage like tyres, tubes, and coconut shells outside your home.


If you have water in pots, take care not to leave them exposed: Always cover buckets and, in particular, overhead water tanks. Verify that the water that air conditioners emit does not collect and turn into a mosquito breeding ground. If you do keep potted plants, make sure there isn’t any water buildup inside the pot.

Since the Aedes aegypti feeds during the day, in contrast to other mosquito species, it’s crucial to avoid exposure during the peak biting hours of early morning and just before dusk.

Wear clothing that at the very least covers your calves, ankles, and feet because mosquitoes typically bite below the knee. Children should always wear clothing that completely covers their arms, legs, and feet when they are outside. For added protection, apply insect repellent creams, lotions, and sprays to exposed skin as well as to clothing. When sleeping, one can also use mosquito nets and repellent patches.

Dengue, also known as “break bone fever,” is extremely painful to the joints and muscles. If you experience any dengue symptoms, including fever, a severe headache, especially in the forehead, nausea, or vomiting, see a doctor.

Symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention of dengue.

A mosquito-borne illness called dengue fever affects tropical and subtropical regions of the world. High fever, rash, and aching muscles and joints are all symptoms of mild dengue fever. A severe case of dengue fever, also known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, can result in fatalities due to severe bleeding, a sharp decline in blood pressure, and shock.


Many people, particularly kids and teenagers, may not show any symptoms or signs of dengue fever when they have a mild case of the illness. If you do experience symptoms, they typically start four to seven days after being bitten by an infected mosquito.

At least two of the following symptoms, including a high fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit, are caused by dengue fever:

  • Headache
  • joint, muscle, and bone pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • back of the eyes hurt
  • enlarged glands
  • Rash
  • back of the eyes hurt

A life-threatening emergency, dengue hemorrhagic fever or severe dengue has the following signs and symptoms:

  • intense stomach pain
  • continual vomiting
  • bleeding from the nose or gums
  • Having blood in your stools, urine, or vomit
  • under-the-skin bleeding that may resemble bruising
  • rapid or difficult breathing
  • Icy or cold skin (shock)
  • Overtired, irritable, or restless

What Brings About Dengue Fever?

Four closely related viruses that cause dengue fever are spread by the Aedes mosquito genus, which is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

An Aedes mosquito can become a carrier of the dengue virus if it bites a person who has been exposed to the disease. A person who is bitten by this mosquito runs the risk of contracting dengue fever. There is no direct human-to-human transmission of the virus

Rarely, dengue fever can progress to dengue hemorrhagic fever, a more severe form of the illness (DHF). DHF requires immediate treatment because it may be fatal.


Dengue can be treated in over 90% of cases. Although the virus has no known cure, patients must be closely watched by a doctor because their platelet count may drop significantly, sometimes leading to fatal internal bleeding. Other accompanying infections, such as fever and pain relief, can be treated with medication. Patients with dengue should always drink plenty of water.

Avoid mosquito bites as much as possible to avoid contracting dengue. Get in touch with our doctors if you or someone you love is experiencing dengue symptoms. For more advice. please call this number .

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